Having a comfortable kitchen is every woman's dream, because they are the ones who spend the most time in the kitchen than men. Moreover, if the kitchen design or layout is attractive, you will surely feel comfortable and excited when doing kitchen work.
If you want to make your kitchen more attractive, you should not only pay attention to the layout of the walls and tables, but also the kitchen floor.
Kitchen floors are different from floors in other rooms. You have to choose the right ceramic tiles for your kitchen floor. If you choose the wrong one, the kitchen will likely get dirty quickly, be slippery, or even get damaged quickly.
Therefore, this time we will provide tips on choosing ceramic tiles for the kitchen so that the kitchen becomes more attractive, non-slippery, and does not get dirty quickly.
1. Choose Non-Slip Ceramics
Specifically for kitchens, it is best to use ceramic tiles with a non-slip texture. As you know, kitchens are often prone to oil spills and other unwanted things that can make the kitchen floor slippery. By using ceramic tiles with a non-slip texture, this will prevent you or your family from slipping.
2. Choose Ceramics with Bright Colors
The second point to consider is the color of the ceramic tiles. It is best to use bright colored ceramic tiles because bright colors will make it easier for you to see dirty parts on the ceramic tiles.
3. Choose Ceramics that are Easy to Clean
For your convenience in cleaning the kitchen, it is best to choose ceramic tiles that are easy to clean. Ceramic tiles with raised patterns are indeed attractive to some people, but it turns out that this type of ceramic tile will be difficult to clean from stubborn stains because they are left in the gaps when sweeping the floor.
4. Adjust the Size of the Ceramics
The size of the ceramics is also a consideration before choosing ceramics for your kitchen floor. If you have a large kitchen, it is best to use small ceramic tiles. And if you have a small kitchen, use large ceramic tiles. This is intended to make your kitchen look spacious.
5. Match the Color with the Kitchen Interior
To have a matching color in your kitchen, it is best to choose a ceramic color that is different from the interior. However, the ceramics you choose should be suitable to be combined with the color of your kitchen interior.
6. Adjust the Budget
The last thing you definitely need to consider is the cost of the budget that you have to spend to make your kitchen beautiful. The price of ceramics per box is usually different based on the quality, thickness, and pattern of the ceramics themselves. You can decide this together with your partner. Maybe you and your partner agree more with plain patterns which are certainly cheaper than patterned ceramics.
Well, those are some tips on choosing ceramics for the kitchen floor so that the kitchen becomes more attractive and comfortable. Hopefully this article can help you in choosing the right ceramics for your kitchen.